Employee feedback helps set out key focus areas following annual questionnaire
Responses were overall very positive with some great suggestions for development.
Employees were asked a series of questions around Klimatec as a company, it’s salary and incentive packages and health & safety and the results showed a positive outcome with several areas where they would like to see the company develop further.
Environmental impact was one of the areas employees want Klimatec to develop further
One of the main categories where employees suggested they would like to see more work around was Klimatec’s in-house health & safety committee. This, along with its company lone working app, OK Alone, also required further exploration to best make use of its offering.
OK Alone is an app for smartphones that engineers use to let us know they are ok, especially when they are lone working on site
Finally, tackling environmental impacts was high on the agenda. Klimatec has already made many alterations to its operations, including going paperless and making changes to its vehicle fleet to hybrid and electric. Klimatec is also certified ISO 14001, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to making environmental improvements.
Other areas reported on include suggestions to incorporate ‘day in the life’ articles in the weekly employee toolbox talk and more coffee mornings, as well as more communication around available PPE stock and requests.
Employees are urged to contact Amy with any further suggestions they may have to improve the health & safety committee, OK Alone app and/or environmental impact.