Klimatec launches mental health policy & initiatives to support employees
Klimatec has launched several mental health & wellbeing initiatives to provide support to all employees.
A new Mental Health & Wellbeing Policy has been issued by the company, demonstrating Klimatec’s commitment to supporting all employees with their mental health & wellbeing. The policy details management's commitment to achieving their goal of providing a safe and stigma-free working environment for all employees. This will be achieved with the help of a coordinated action plan that clearly identifies roles and responsibilities, including several new Mental Health Representatives, who will help spot signs and early detection of ill health, as well as any necessary workplace adjustments.
The aim is to have four voluntary Mental Health Representatives helping management support colleagues in the workplace. All Representatives will be invited to participate in a recognised mental health & wellbeing training program, delivered by a qualified trainer. This role is an important one for the company as it will allow colleagues to help someone in need and enable them to direct any person suffering ill health to seek the professional help required.
“The health & wellbeing of our office staff and engineers is of the upmost importance to us as a business. They are the driving factor behind everything we stand for and we are proud to have several support mechanisms in place, both new and pre-existing, to ensure they remain safe, happy and well looked after”
In addition to the above, Operations Director Ben Johnston is hosting several informal drop-in coffee mornings for all staff to take part in throughout the month of November. Dates have been sent around all staff who are invited to join Ben for a chat about work and/or non-work related topics. This opportunity provides employees at Klimatec with another avenue in which to share their thoughts and feelings about anything they may wish to discuss.